The Most Beautiful Turkish Actresses 2025

The Most Beautiful Turkish Actresses 2025



Who is the Most Beautiful Turkish Actress 2025?

We choose the most Beautiful Turkish Actresses 2025 according to your votes. This list is composed of the most beautiful Turkish Actresses 2025. Choose your favorite one and vote for her!

These are our candidates: Afra Saraçoğlu, Ahsen Eroğlu, Alina Boz, Aslı Enver, Aslıhan Güner, Aslıhan Malbora, Aybüke Pusat, Ayça Ayşin Turan, Bahar Şahin, Bensu Soral, Beren Saat, Bergüzar Korel, Biran Damla Yılmaz, Birce Akalay, Burcu Biricik, Burcu Özberk, Cansu Dere, Cemre Arda, Cemre Baysel, Damla Sönmez, Demet Evgar, Demet Özdemir, Deniz Baysal, Ebru Şahin, Eda Ece, Elçin Sangu, Esra Bilgiç, Evrim Alasya, Fahriye Evcen, Hafsanur Sancaktutan, Hande Doğandemir, Hande Erçel, Hazal Kaya, Hazal Subaşı, Hazar Ergüçlü, Leyla Lydia Tuğutlu, Melis Sezen, Melisa Aslı Pamuk, Müjde Uzman, Neslihan Atagül, Nurgül Yeşilçay, Öykü Karayel, Özge Gürel, Özge Yağız, Özgü Kaya, Pınar Deniz, Seray Kaya, Serenay Sarıkaya, Sevda Erginci, Sıla Türkoğlu, Sinem Ünsal, Songül Öden, Su Burcu Yazgı Coşkun, Tuba Büyüküstün, Yagmur Öztürk, Yağmur Tanrısevsin, Yağmur Yüksel.

If your favorite actress is not take place in our list, we can add her according to your comments above our post.

You can vote only once in 1 hour!!!

Who is the Most Beautiful Woman in the World 2024?

Who is the Most Beautiful Actress in the World 2024?

Who is your favorite actress? Hande Erçel vs Özge Gürel?
Who is your favorite actress? Özge Gürel vs Elçin Sangu?
Who is your favorite actress? Sıla Türkoğlu vs Özge Gürel?
Who is your favorite actress? Elçin Sangu vs Hande Erçel?
Who is your favorite actress? Yağmur Tanrısevsin vs Cemre Baysel?
Who is your favorite actress? Sıla Türkoğlu vs Özge Yağız? 
Who is your favorite actress? Elçin Sangu vs Demet Özdemir?
Who is your favorite actress? Birce Akalay vs Cansu Dere?
Who is your favorite actress? Deniz Baysal vs Alina Boz?
Who is your favorite actress? Elçin Sangu vs Hazal Subaşı?
Who is your favorite actress? Alina Boz vs Hande Erçel?
Who is your favorite actress? Tuba Büyüküstün vs Bergüzar Korel?
Who is your favorite actress? Demet Özdemir vs Özge Gürel?
Who is your favorite actress? Beren Saat vs Fahriye Evcen?
Who is your favorite actress? Neslihan Atagül vs Hazal Kaya?
Who is your favorite actress? Bergüzar Korel vs Birce Akalay?
Who is your favorite actress? Cansu Dere vs Tuba Büyüküstün?
Who is your favorite actress? Aslı Enver vs Serenay Sarıkaya?

Contest End Date: 15 February 2026


62 thoughts on “The Most Beautiful Turkish Actresses 2025

  1. Mi voto es para la actriz más bella de Turquía 🇹🇷👑🇹🇷 que es la mejor actriz del mundo y se llama Cansu Dere

  2. Voto na Cansu Dere, pois, a beleza transbordar de dentro para fora. Uma mulher linda, simples, muito simpática e com muitas outras qualidades. Que Deus te abençoe Cansu linda.

  3. Voto por Cansu Dere porque para mi es la actriz más bella, encantadora de toda Turquía, nadie nunca la va a igualar, ella nació con una estrella aparte que brilla más que el resto de las actrices, perdón pero es lo que pienso, soy una gran admiradora de Cansu.

  4. Feliz Día de la mujer! Kadınlar Günü’nüz kutlu olsun! Feliz Día da mulher! La mulți ani de Ziua Femeii!
    Nuestra Cansu es un gran ejemplo de mujer a seguir por su fortaleza, inteligencia, belleza y talento.
    Cansu’muz gücüyle, zekasıyla, güzelliğiyle, yeteneğiyle takip edilecek güzel bir kadın örneğidir.
    Cansu gracias por todo lo que transmites a través de tus personajes.
    Cansu, karakterlerin aracılığıyla aktardığın her şey için teşekkür ederim.
    Cansu gracias por tu gentileza y espontaneidad.
    Cansu nezaketiniz ve içtenliğiniz için teşekkür ederim
    te amamos
    seni seviyoruz

    Grupo de Whatsapp Cansu Dere Encantos
    (formados por fans de Turquía, Brasil, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela; México, Rumania; Perú, Honduras; Costa Rica, Chile, España; Cuba; EL Salvador y Paraguay)
    Cansu Dere Whatsapp Grubunu Büyüledi
    (Türkiye, Brezilya, Arjantin, Kolombiya, Venezuela; Meksika, Romanya; Peru, Honduras; Kosta Rika, Şili, İspanya; Küba; EL Salvador ve Paraguay’dan hayranlardan oluşmuştur)

  5. Votez #SilaTurkoglu. Este frumoasa dar mai ales transmite frumusețe prin toți pori. Este extrem de expresiva si naturala in actul artistic.


  7. “Yagmur Yuksel is the most beautiful and talented actress of 2025! Her grace,charm,and incredible acting skills make her stand out from the rest.She truly deserves to be in the list of the most beautiful turkish actresses.I hope to see her name included! She is my favourite actress!❤️✨👸

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