156 thoughts on “The Most Beautiful Turkish Actresses 2018

  1. #ElcinSangu the queen of the star actress&model, queen of most beautiful faces with rich activity in film and mode

  2. Could you please add Begum Birgoren? I have always liked her, she’s just awesome! She has great acting skills, furthermore she is a great humanitarian and a good person. She always helps people and animals in need. Thanks in advance!

  3. Neslihan Atagul is by far the most beautiful and talented Turkish actress! Show me another Turkish actress who has won so many international awards so far! Show me another series apart from Kara Sevda that has won international recognition! I could demolish many of her contestants in this poll but it would not be elegant on my part!

  4. Elcin Sangu – What’s in it that has such success and so many people vote for it? I have not seen a single TV show or movie with her – what else is TUBA – known in the whole world!

  5. The most beautiful actress is Tuba – she has the most beautiful eyes, lips, hair, voice …. everything. And it is very natural and modest.

    1. hande ercel is the best actres in the world
      She so pretty????
      Her smile???
      Her dimples???
      Her eyes???
      Mashallah mashallah

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